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03/28/24 5:59 PM

#395684 RE: pete807 #395682

Good for you -- maybe by 11/05 Trump will redeem himself in the eyes of our wives -- tough, strong effective executives generally are not likable people, but are really good to do business with when they are on my side -- I keep saying it's going to be his four year record against Biden's -- and the price at the gas pump will be the main deciding issue -- keep the faith
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03/29/24 6:20 AM

#395694 RE: pete807 #395682

Hey, pete. Good to see you.
Rest assured. I will never vote for Brandon or Booby, Jr. with his VP choice Shaghai Lil.

21 years in Manhattan while Trump was on the rise. Hated him. Prayed for his failure. I was not alone. Never watched his clown show... "You're fired." He's crude, rude, and unattractive. He appeals to those who think boorish and crass are winning qualities. So goes the country thanks to social media, reality TV, and holding people to standards is a big no no. (There's more to it than that.)

I voted for Trump twice. Hillary hatred. Didn't want Biden either plus which life in these United States was good.

Thanks to listening to 3-1/2 years of the vote was stolen and the demorrhoids will rig this election too... I'm convinced voting is an exercise in futility. Not really, but I bet all that whining will discourage a lot of folks. I'll be in the voting booth making my choices on the down ballot. As for president, I may do something I've never done in my life... abstain from making a choice and let the chips fall where they may. Hell, the polls say Trump has nj in the bag. We all know how reliable polls are (sarcasm).

Chances are strong that Booby will pull enough votes from Dementia Joe to hand the election to Trump (unless he goes the way of Uncle Jack and his father). If that changes, I may have to swallow my bile and pull the lever for Mr. Big Mouth. 330 million people (or thereabouts) and look at the choices we've got. Makes me sick.

I want to thank you and hap for realizing (even if you don't understand) why women can't stand Trump. FWIW, I was convinced it was only women who felt that way until I got a visceral reaction from a male at the mention of Trump's name shortly after the 2020 election. This was someone I admire and respect. Re Biden he said that he didn't care that he got elected. At least Trump was out of there. It opened my eyes. I truly did not get how much Trump is hated by many in this country.

He is divisive. And you can't force people to love him.
Plus which, his enemies will continue to pile on him.
When will he be able to focus on the country?
I wish him luck but I dread the next presidential term no matter who's in charge.

Take care and continue to enjoy marital bliss with your dearly beloved.
