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04/02/24 12:21 PM

#53221 RE: Gary 608 #53220

The Meridian merger to take place at any time this month and somehow, these shorting pr*cks have the price down to $2.76. What a f*cking joke. I hope Brian drops some early news and catches these losers and they have to cover on the ask. Same sh*t, different week.



04/03/24 11:20 AM

#53222 RE: Gary 608 #53220

A whopping 600 shares traded until 11:15, then they drop 3k into the bid to drop the price to $2.80 and throw 22k on the ask @$2.90 to entice more selling off. These pr*cks just won't stop! All this with the acquisition of Meridian Bet to be completed at any point this month. Totally unbelievable balls on these pr*cks!
