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03/27/24 10:36 AM

#468343 RE: livefree_ordie #468342

Whatever happened to conservatives, they once thought people should be responsible for themselves, now this new southern, white, racist republican party always needs something, handouts, someone to hold their hand.

You are a perfect example of a needy child, try wiping your own ass.
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03/27/24 11:42 AM

#468345 RE: livefree_ordie #468342

Mexican citizens are being gunned down by the thousands, with weapons supplied by US manufacturers. And unlike drug abusers, who actually provide the money to keep the cartels in business and well-supplied with weapons, the citizens of Mexico are the innocent bystanders in this whole equation. Are you sure this is where you want to go?

Maybe you should stop doing drugs, MAGAt.
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03/30/24 1:25 AM

#468611 RE: livefree_ordie #468342

livefree_ordie, You're putting me into a position where to get you to follow board 'give a fucking link" in evidence for your assertions i'm gonna have to get on and read your posts before doing anything else first. We don't appreciate that.

Assertions like your "Mexico's part time President part time leader of Mexican Cartels announces peace and love not violence."

You need a link. As for the rest of

"Where are your BALLS Joe gone to pasture? Hanging down to your knees? You should be telling this guy no more money for you and no soup either, we are shutting this border totally down no one comes in here anymore and when the time comes that you wish to talk about life and your cartels give me a call and see if I am available for you to waste my time with you. You stepped in the wrong pile of shiate here pal. Joe wake up this guy is smacking you dead in your face and you have zero comments about it. You my as well go back to China where you belong.

This guy stated in Mexico "show me a politician that is poor" "and I will say they are a poor politician" This is how they operate, you should know this already Joe, you have been on the take for over 40 years now, many folks own you maybe even the Cartels too, that is why no comment on the Mexican drug lords comment right Joey no guts no balls.

Such silly, nonsense is a waste of space here. Your mirror would tell you it is a waste of time if you asked it.