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03/26/24 8:03 PM

#8919 RE: F14SVF24 #8910

So being educated and knowing what fascists do makes us idiots? Okay....sure, whatever the ignorant dude says.

It's what I love about you losers-because you don't know really anything, you assume nobody else has read a History book, either.

We've been stuck with McCarthyist America First hacksters for over 80 years...learn something, get a clue, idiot.

There is so much you don't know, like who is actually responsible for the problems we have now. You cannot know what you don't know and your ignorance is your own fault for neglecting your education and taking the lazy path.


03/26/24 8:04 PM

#8920 RE: F14SVF24 #8910

HITLER wanted His country to be GREAT too! The CONald is all about self-promotion, self-interest & The CON!!

NY-ers affectionally refer to Him as, "The CONald".

Except for De Niro:

Mark Cuban called him a SNAKEOIL SALESMAN

His OWN VP, Mike Pence won't endorse him:

He did NOT get Mexico to build the wall & he didn't even FINISH it (like he said, ON TIME, UNDER BUDGET & MEXICO will PAY for it!!).

He did NONE of those things... LMMFAO!!

He's a DOPEY ASS Criminal trying to STAY OUT OF JAIL!!

If he doesn't win,... he's going TO JAIL!

He's fighting for NO ONE but himself -- & other Billionaires. Little guy my ass!

SIX BANKRUPTCIES & in other public company -- NEVER made long-term shareholders A PENNY!!

Sunk them ALL in BK's -- one after the other!! LMMFAO!!

