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Mr Smith 34

03/26/24 6:28 PM

#78893 RE: ETG58 #78873

Mr ETG58,
I certainly do not take joy in declining stock price or anyone losing money. You have a valid point about the short amount of time involved for management. I am concerned, however, that in spite of all the recently released positive news the price continues to remain stationary or retreat. The reason for that retreat can be debated all day long, but as they say about the price "it is what it is". I sincerely hope every one makes money, but I also would hate to think people will lose money because of FOBO and ignore any storm warnings along the way for fear of losing out. BUT, If you are confident with your position and research, then more power to you. Good Luck to you, Sir

Kool Aid Man

03/26/24 7:25 PM

#78903 RE: ETG58 #78873

No critic "takes joy" in retail investors losing least none that I know of. What they DO find rewarding is preventing crooked scam managements and serial pump-and-dumpers from getting rich at the direct expense of gullible retail investors who bought their lies. I don't even fault honest cheerleaders who were duped and didn't believe it until it was too late... even those who are verbally abusive toward critics and later turn their wrath on management. Then there are those who post --publicly or privately-- "you were right.. I should have listened.. learned my lesson..." etc. I feel the most sympathy for them.

If DD reveals red flags about management it's far better to raise and debate them sooner than later. Otherwise far more damage is done