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03/25/24 1:27 PM

#46198 RE: oilin07 #46197

Thats PLAN A Goofball

U posted that u liked PLAN B which involved bringin in real business to BLLB and a potential huge uptick. U've never made any sense so why would u now? U afraid some share deal Miller or THE RHODEHAMELS brought in might get cancelled?

U seem ta put on ur cheerleader skirt when scammers r active a get real goofy when real business is discussed. Same wit ur little buddy Mikey. The one who claimed ta call the SEC and visit JASON BLACK at his home. Who was ur hero at BLLB 10 years ago when ya started postin? U been issued any BLLB share over that period bro? Who u think is gonna step up and represent BLLB mgmt in court? LILY? Clegg? Halvorson? Coriano? Fabyan? The friggin HARTS/ Richard Tang? Hughes? Zeppenfeld? Jaberian? Miller? Nowak? OR ALL OF EM
THAT SHOULD GO REAL WELL FOR BLLB.I'm lovin that DEMOCRACY REPORTING INT and their international election integrity mission. How's that Sri Lanka division goin Dave?

We can make an example of that crew real easy and send their ass to da can. U think the SEC been waitin and investigatin 4 nothin?

Everythin Miller did to these corps after he was reported was allowed ta happen by FINRA, EDGAR and the SEC. One big happy family.

Got civil, criminal and the SEC case on deck. Ur silly ass can yap here all friggin day long and it aint gonna affect sht bro. Go study the folks that could make somethin real happen. Pretty smart folks. Fully involved in the MILLER CASES