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03/24/24 8:25 PM

#12445 RE: Bubae #12444

The guy announcing this to the board can "actually" be working on behalf of a co. like Citadel,or such..just say'n... Nobody on this board has heard of bubae,before you showed up..."actually"...


03/24/24 8:28 PM

#12446 RE: Bubae #12444

Another paid video marketer...another paid basher....hmmm... You seem to project on to others,what you are "actually" doing...nice...


03/24/24 8:30 PM

#12447 RE: Bubae #12444

On a serious you have a pic. of you and burner on your mask?


03/24/24 8:54 PM

#12448 RE: Bubae #12444

I'm guessing,if I'm right,and you do work for a mm,or mms, you have to be short a 100+ million shares it's always a gamble.. most mms can absorb the loss if it happens...but retail will get a slice of the pie,that mms "actually" don't like to share. But "actually" a ceo of a co. like begi? would love to stick it to the crooks... in the AZ....


03/24/24 9:19 PM

#12449 RE: Bubae #12444

"actually" it would be a "pip" if there was a closed door settlement..... what a wink that would be...


03/24/24 10:38 PM

#12456 RE: Bubae #12444

Yep. Another paid ‘interview’. He sure is a rambler


03/25/24 9:09 AM

#12461 RE: Bubae #12444

You pulled the full court press on St this weekend...nice...