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03/24/24 7:40 PM

#467848 RE: B402 #467846

For one, why not use some of the info in the Carville NPR post you just made.

“He’s a tenacious guy that’s had a real life. He’s a state school guy. He doesn’t have an iota of elitism. He doesn’t even know what ‘woke’ is. He’s been demonstrably the best president that Black America’s ever had, Clinton and Obama included,” he said. “You look at incomes, employment, poverty rates, access to health care. It’s not where whites are, but it’s closer than it’s ever been.”

You said..."And nothing dems have done will lead them to think things wont continue, just keep the status quo and slot of people are now sick of the status quo or there wouldn't be a trump in America of all places...... "

Dems don't want things to continue as before, where have you been? Attempts at mitigating income inequality are being made via jobs creation and re-distribution, taxation, etc. And just who is standing in the way? Performance minded Rs in Congress, okay? Maybe the few Independents will bail us out?

You seem to be on your ongoing bent of being an equal opportunity offender by phrasing things as you do...proving and Dems dirty words in your mind; not sure where you fall at all. Oh, just the truth enabler?

janice shell

03/24/24 7:42 PM

#467849 RE: B402 #467846

And nothing dems have done will lead them to think things wont continue, just keep the status quo and slot of people are now sick of the status quo or there wouldn't be a trump in America of all places......

Obviously you haven't been following what the Dems are actually doing. Biden has done more to help ordinary people than any president since LBJ. Infrastructure. Bringing tech jobs back to the States. Creating yet more jobs. The lowest unemployment rate since.. ever. Standing up for marginalized people, and much more.

You should pay more attention.


03/25/24 8:53 AM

#467934 RE: B402 #467846

So you must think that dems don't want to eliminate the Trump giveaway to the rich right? Or that the Dems did not want the Bush tax cuts during war right? You must think the Republicans wanted to keep the additional Child Tax Credit that reduced child poverty to the lowest ever - they let it die. You should educate yourself on what Republican really stand for or just look at your very own welfare state - uneducated people who readily accept welfare from the Federal Government yet hate whatever social ill and fear the Republicans can gin up.