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03/24/24 3:07 PM

#789929 RE: stockprofitter #789915

not counting any sort of dividend or interest if you prefer ---- the GSEs have clearly paid back the money given - invested in - lent to - the GSEs

IMO - that sort of 300 on the 200 -- would allow the GOV to CLAIM they were paid back - and to me that is key !!!!

Yet at say 800 Million a year (4% if 200B from the git go) - over 15 years - even a normal or regular pay out in dividends or interest leaves an open question

TO ME - THE GOV can claim it was paid back - just SHOUT we put in 200B and got out 300B - say it over and over

Wise Man

03/25/24 3:14 AM

#789962 RE: stockprofitter #789915

"Satisfying taxpayers bailout". It wasn't a loan but the purchase of securities (obligations in respect of capital stock. SPS), and it isn't "satisfied" but you have to repurchase them or redeem.
It can't be paid back as if by magic.

- The share class $FNMA was excluded from the Class Action and that makes it illegal, because one of the prerequisites for Class Actions is that it puts an end to the controversy.
Breach of Rule 23(b)(3):

A class action is superior to other available methods for fairly and efficiently adjudicating the controversy.

Which means that you can't leave apart the holders of a share class. Let alone that there's been a second NWS not challenged in the jury trial, today's NWS 2.0 with the SPS LP increased for free.
So, the jury trial couldn't have been done worse. It isn't solved with a new trial just for the FNMA holders, as you propose in you post. It was an illegal Class Action and neither there can be do-overs with the leftovers, nor there can be a piecemeal approach: the attorney Hamish Hume, party in the Lamberth court, has brought up the NWS 2.0 in an amended complaint in the Court of Federal Claims with a different case, Wazee case. Currently in appeal to the Federal Circuit. Appeal due on March 25th.

- The prior "gag order" that prohibited the FnF management from speaking publicly, was lifted many years ago with DeMarco, but it was related to permitting them to attend Housing Finance events. What the CEO of Fannie Mae has done recently is a replica of the Ihub posts, tweets and GSE slides by the plotters we are used to, aiming the assault on the ownership of FnF: "FnF continue to build capital through retained earnings" based on her Financial Statement fraud with the company; "Fannie Mae has $78B in capital", referring to "capital surplus" and based on the same fraud, and disregarding the ERCF that states huge deficit in the capital available. Etc.

-Only the conservator is tasked with the release from conservatorship, working with Congress because the UST attached the release to a 3-option Privatized Housing Finance System revamp, with it was required to come up with "recommendations on ending the conservatorship". A 2011 Report to Congress.
It's not a task for the President and the White House as you claim.

Well done, "Cash Equity" Rum tommater. Look! You have another check in your mail.
📬️ This is the PENNANT pattern you are following, right? Many support lines!!! ROFL