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03/23/24 10:49 AM

#170327 RE: DTGoody #170325

One small problem with such rosy expectations.
Sharp's TSNP 2.0 turned into FLOP .002
He failed to reverse merge any blockchain company into GVSI.
Instead, he announced a 35% stake in a still unknown rinky-dink company that allegedly got cold feet because some anonymous posters on several stock message boards were being mean.

That's not how you create shareholder value.
So much for Sharp wanting to retire by the end of the year.
Not the way he's doing things.
He's lost credibility of ALL his shells, not just GVSI.

His shells are now just lottery tickets.
Really makes me wonder now why you would preselect what type of business would go into his shells, by changing their name snd symbol to a specific business sector.

AI is hot.
But, you won't see one of those companies going into GVSI or WNFT.
Sharp probably still only wants an NFT company to pair with WNFT.
How stupid.

How about find a large company worth 500 million plus in ANY sector to merge with his shells?
Let the new company deal with a name and symbol change.

Sharp's tweets and memes were, at the very least, misleading.
As it stands now, only his positive actions will redeem him, not memes and cloy tweets.
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03/23/24 10:50 AM

#170328 RE: DTGoody #170325

One small problem with such rosy expectations.
Sharp's TSNP 2.0 turned into FLOP .002
He failed to reverse merge any blockchain company into GVSI.
Instead, he announced a 35% stake in a still unknown rinky-dink company that allegedly got cold feet because some anonymous posters on several stock message boards were being mean.

That's not how you create shareholder value.
So much for Sharp wanting to retire by the end of the year.
Not the way he's doing things.
He's lost credibility of ALL his shells, not just GVSI.

His shells are now just lottery tickets.
Really makes me wonder now why you would preselect what type of business would go into his shells, by changing their name and symbol to a specific business sector.

AI is hot.
But, you won't see one of those companies going into GVSI or WNFT.
Sharp probably still only wants an NFT company to pair with WNFT.
How stupid.

How about find a large company worth 500 million plus in ANY sector to merge with his shells?
Let the new company deal with a name and symbol change.

Sharp's tweets and memes were, at the very least, misleading.
As it stands now, only his positive actions will redeem him, not memes and cloy tweets.
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03/23/24 10:50 PM

#170336 RE: DTGoody #170325

It has been a wild ride, but I am seeing this through until the end (as primarily a $WNFT and $SRNW shareholder, thinking about getting some $GVSI down here). One thing I have learned through all this is a matter of sticking to your conviction in terms of the investment, and patience. Coming up on nearly 3 years since I deposited my initial lump sum into $GOFF.

It doesn't matter what is happening around you, or what emotions are circulating. The stock market consists of buyers and sellers. Sometimes there are significantly more buyers than sellers, and vice versa. I know for a fact, and have witnessed the OTC sending numerous stocks flying past $1 billion+ market caps in short order.

As a hypothetical example, ALPP was completely dead in terms of trading volume, at .04 to .05 for most of 2020, and then hit over $8+ per share by early 2021. It may have traded, let's say approximately $10,000 in daily dollar volume when it wasn't doing anything, and then it suddenly began trading $10's of millions of dollars for months in a row, and went completely parabolic.

Point is, once the liquidity makes its way back into the OTC market (typically when retail is doing well, flush with cash), the runs can be absolutely insane. I personally have a very good feeling about 2025, and it lines right up with the 4 year super cycle.