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03/20/24 7:28 AM

#467229 RE: B402 #467228

Wow, even the Republicans can not have political primaries , select anyone from their party to lead them, and work tirelessly to come to a decision by themselves. You are becoming even more pathetic with each posting. Can you wipe your ass by yourself yet.
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03/20/24 9:16 AM

#467231 RE: B402 #467228

It appears the Republicans are not happy with trump and will vote for President Biden come November. Republicans actually preferred Nikki Haley, but please explain again how this is the democrat's fault.

What would you do each day if you could not blame democrats for all of your screw ups.
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03/20/24 9:36 AM

#467233 RE: B402 #467228

Like education,,,,,,US now 23rd in 'Happiness'......."Life, Liberty and the pursuit of.....Happiness " ?

Boomers who paved the way for the US economic decline are happy as you know what.......Youth and 30 something young families feel the real world economics boomers left in their wake....

U.S. drops in new global happiness ranking. One age group bucks the trend

How happy are you? The Gallup World Poll has a simple way to gauge well-being around the globe.

Imagine a ladder, and think about your current life. The top rung, 10, represents the best possible life and the bottom rung, 0, represents the worst. Pick your number.

Researchers use the responses to rank happiness in countries around the globe, and the 2024 results have just been released.

This year, Finland is at the top of the list. Researchers point to factors including high levels of social support and healthy life expectancy, to explain the top perch of several Scandinavian countries.

North America does not fare as well overall. As a nation, the United States dropped in the global ranking from 15th to 23rd. But researchers point to striking generational divides.

People aged 60 and older in the U.S. reported high levels of well-being compared to younger people. In fact, the United States ranks in the top 10 countries for happiness in this age group.

Conversely, there's a decline in happiness among younger adolescents and young adults in the U.S. "The report finds there's a dramatic decrease in the self-reported well-being of people aged 30 and below," says editor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, a professor of economics and behavioral science, and the director of the Wellbeing Research Centre at Oxford University.

This drop among young adults is also evident in Canada, Australia and, to a lesser extent in parts of western Europe and Britain, too. "We knew that a relationship existed between age and happiness, but the biggest surprise is that it is more nuanced than we previously thought, and it is changing," says Ilana Ron-Levey, managing director at Gallup.

"In North America, youth happiness has dropped below that of older adults," Ron-Levey says. The rankings are based on responses from a representative sample of about 1,000 respondents in each country.

There are a range of factors that likely explain these shifts.

De Neve and his collaborators say the relatively high level of well-being among older adults is not too surprising. Researchers have long seen a U-shaped curve to happiness.

Children are typically happy, and people tend to hit the bottom (of the U) of well-being in middle age. By 60, life can feel more secure, especially for people with good health, financial stability and strong social connections. Living in a country with a strong social safety net can also help.

"The big pressures in life, [such as] having small children, a mortgage to pay, and work, have likely tapered off a bit," De Neve says. But what's so unexpected he says is the extent to which well-being has fallen among young adults.

"We would expect youth to actually start out at a higher level of well-being than middle-age individuals," De Neve says.

"People are hearing that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and the young especially are feeling more threatened by it," says John Helliwell, Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, and a co-author of the study.

He says many younger people may feel the weight of climate change, social inequities, and political polarization which can all be amplified on social media.

But hope is not lost, Helliwell says.

He points to countries in eastern Europe where levels of well-being are on the rise among young people.

He says the older generations in the countries that make up the former Yugoslavia, tend to be less happy. "They are bearing the scars of genocide and conflict," he says.

But he says the younger people are looking beyond this history. "A new generation can put it in the past and think of building a better future and feel that they can be part of that," Helliwell says.
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03/20/24 12:34 PM

#467250 RE: B402 #467228

Do you think that the polls account either for the 'anybody but Trump', Haley or nobody, republicans; so stated by those voters in exit polling? A loss of 10-15% republican voters to write-ins or non votes would be the ballgame.

Or for the mounting freedom of choice, prioritizing, women AND men voters?
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03/20/24 3:00 PM

#467267 RE: B402 #467228

B402, Don't play naive. When a guy says he'll jail opponents if reelected there isn't a hair on a
pumpkin to reach out to. They reach out to others, then Trump pulls his fist out. Immigration.
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03/20/24 5:36 PM

#467286 RE: B402 #467228

Donald Trump Suffers Brutal Florida Primary Vote Against Him
Source: Newsweek

Donald Trump suffered a blow in Tuesday's primary in Florida, a state he only narrowly won in the 2020 presidential election, after thousands of Republicans refused to vote for him.

While the former president won the primary with 910,857 votes, 81.2 percent of the overall share, some 197,000 people, or 17.8 percent, voted for either Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis, despite both candidates having dropped out of the race.

The results suggest the former president is losing support in Florida compared with the previous election in 2020. That year, he won about 94 percent of the state vote in the primary.

The Republican went on to take the state in 2020 by a slim margin, securing 51.2 percent of the vote to Joe Biden's 47.9 percent. Newsweek contacted a representative for Trump by email to comment on this story.

Read more:

ALL of the M$M should be using blaring headlines like this against 45 and also include phrases like "WARNING SIGNS" to highlight what just happened yesterday in the same manner that they celebrated "uncommitted" against Biden and Democrats.
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03/20/24 5:43 PM

#467287 RE: B402 #467228

Nikki Haley Donors Now Raising Money for Biden


“A few days after former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican presidential primary on March 6, veteran media executive and Haley backer Harry Sloan got a call from movie mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg, who asked Sloan to help President Joe Biden take on Donald Trump in the general election,” CNBC reports.

“Sloan agreed to help raise money for Biden’s reelection effort and try to reel in Republican-aligned business leaders to get behind the president.”

“Sloan is among at least half a dozen former Haley bundlers who have decided to help Biden — and not Trump — since Haley ended her campaign.”