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03/20/24 9:19 AM

#12200 RE: kid biscuit #12195

Too bad stocks don't trade in a vacuum because you can't plug the facts and current events into a chart. Your post below on December 27th when it traded as high as $0.0083, just before the price fell off a cliff. The inconvenient facts that I had been posting for weeks prior predicted what was coming in post# 7962. Get ready, I see this getting hammered with new shares the second half of 2024, even with the restraining order in place, by the GS Capital lawsuit shares covering just the balance of the principle originally owed. Now add in the potential of paying GS Capitals legal fees, the interest, the potential default penalties and you have the recipe for a disaster. Traders won't be hanging around to see what happens next when that news is announced.

kid biscuit
Re: Bubae post# 8111
Wednesday, December 27, 2023 9:16:23 AM
Post# 8114 of 12199

Bubae: you could have enjoyed the entire run up to now from trips like me, not that I was able to buy a massive amount. But I'm here to say the best may be yet to come now that the patent arrived yesterday. Allow yourself to pick up few shares anyway. We're here because we believe in what the patent is worth. Save the bash, make some cash. Remember the float didn't increase at all when you claimed it would have this month.

Re: None
Saturday, December 23, 2023 10:12:19 AM
Post# 7962 of 12199

...We see 790,292,999 shares outstanding for June 14th per the S-1 offering and 1,034,080,127 as of June 30th per the quarterly filing. That two week period between June 14th and June 30th yielded 243,787,128 new shares issued. The six month holding period would move this time slot to begin this past week....

Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): February 27, 2024
Update to November 6, 2023 Nevada Lawsuit

The risks of continued litigation on this matter are as follows: the Company may need to increase the authorized shares of common stock in order to accommodate any continued conversions, judgments, or settlements, and the Company could be exposed to further risks of lawsuits for similar issues. The Company will also expend additional resources in the ongoing litigation and any potential resolutions outside the above-reference conversions to common stock (which were already contemplated in the original convertible promissory note), negatively impacting its financial position.
