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03/18/24 5:06 PM

#19055 RE: SeaBlue #19054

Well, all I can say is it's about time Dan painted a clearer picture of the situation in general. That's concerning what's going on at Cat Lake and also shedding a little light on the Sprinpole permitting and a few words about Duparquet. It always seems to take Matt doing his usual thorough questioning to make Dan talk. If Matt weren't conducting these videos we'd be much less informed as shareholders.

IMO it's fairly evident now to see what's happening at Cat Lake. The Tribe there want their all-season road and until they get it, they'll be difficult to deal with. Remember the Big Chief's problem wasn't so much with FMG, it was with Ontario and most likely the Feds. That may be the bigger problem for them getting the road. It should be made very clear to the Big Chief that any road building for Cat Lake begins AFTER the mine is operational and producing gold. That's the only way the money is available to build the road. PERIOD.

Without having a clue what building this road will cost, I can't see how between FMG, Ontario, and the Canadian federal government they wouldn't be able to give it to them. UNLESS, it doesn't matter to the government and the Feds tell the Tribe to go fuck themselves about a road. Remember my conversation. with Paul was that the government gives the authority to build the mine after all is said and done. All the PERKS obtained by the Tribe are in essence to make them happy and stay in their good grace, so I guess we'll see how it all plays out. IMO the mine's going to be approved. We know Canada wants to see that happen, too much money is lost if they don't build it.

Most of what Dan said about Springpole was old news. I want to hear from Steve Lines shortly after this final EA is submitted over the Summer. He can give FMG shareholders a blow-by-blow story on where we are and what still needs to be done. ALSO WHEN IT SHOULD HAPPEN. Now the timeline Dan was talking about in this video was another year and a half away. Hope I'm still alive by then....

He spoke briefly about Duparquet, but again nothing specific. He talked about not needing to build a mill for the gold, but what about getting permits to mine and dig the ore out of the ground first? How long's that going to take to obtain? Is he talking smack about that or is it doable in a time frame that will help the cause? Give us some hard facts please.

P.S.: Seablue, as usual thanks for posting this very important video for us.