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03/15/24 9:46 AM

#466722 RE: brooklyn13 #466715

OK... "the numbers of overall casualties are dubious". What are the real numbers?

How many journalists have been executed?

How much of the housing stock is destroyed?

Is there famine and disease, or is that just more lies by Israel haters too?

But seriously, folks, what are you doing to aid your Palestinian bros other than venting on anonymous bulletin boards? Are you sending money or maybe working with a group to get them medical supplies? Maybe you have a trip planned to help a humanitarian non-profit or two with the fallout of the war? Volunteering to house a few refugees when this is all over?

I'm lending my voice. My days of soldiering are far behind me. Yours never were. You just sit around masturbating as the IDF murders children.

You are human filth.


03/15/24 9:55 AM

#466725 RE: brooklyn13 #466715

Why are you so sensitive when people call you out.

You're supporting an illegitimate, genocidal, apartheid and increasingly illiberal (dare I say, "fascist") government, that routinely tortures and murders civilians.

And now you're flaunting your might, bullying and challenging people to stand up against you.

The day will come when someone levels Tel Aviv and your "settlements" and probably Jerusalem itself. And you will be without friends. You'll deserve that.

You may think you don't need anyone, but it's our aircraft carrier groups... our money... our industrial might, that keeps the wolf from your door. That may not be forever. It has limits.
Hey is Chuck Schumer a "Jew hater" now?