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03/14/24 1:13 PM

#90 RE: wow_happens28 #89

Looks like nuclear is the 'go to' power source for BRICS and the developing countries of the world. But the US and Europe? It's hard to believe the Western globalists will willingly reverse their anti nuclear policies, although they might be forced back to nuclear to remain competitive. For BRICS countries, windmills and solar panels clearly aren't going to cut it, and one of the big draws for emerging countries to join BRICS is that China and Russia will help them build nuclear plants. To compete, the US may have to do the same, albeit reluctantly.

But once an emerging country has a nuclear power plant, producing a nuclear weapon is much easier. And nuclear proliferation is only one reason the US / West globalists have been against nuclear power. A broader reason is that cheap power leads to a large prosperous middle class, which the globalists view as a threat to their ruling oligarchy. They'd much rather rule over a smaller population of serfs.

We'll see what happens, but since - a) Job #1 for the US / West globalists is to somehow derail BRICS, and b) a key attraction to joining BRICS is having China/Russia build nuclear plants for your country, a logical way to derail this is to poison the well for nuclear power generally. One way to do that would be to see a few nuclear plants blown up during a war or by a 'terrorist' group. This would demonstrate the extreme vulnerability of having a nuclear plant in your country, and the devastating effects if it is targeted by a neighboring country or group. Hopefully this doesn't happen, but it seems like a logical option for the US / West globalist ghouls as they become increasingly desperate to stop BRICS expansion.

>>> BRICS Nations Surge Ahead in Nuclear Energy Commitment

By ZeroHedge

Oct 19, 2023

- China tops the list with plans for 24 new nuclear reactors, one of which will be connected this year.

- India aims to connect eight new nuclear power plants by 2027, with Turkey and South Korea also making notable commitments.

- Three future BRICS members—UAE, Egypt, and Argentina—are currently constructing new nuclear reactors.

In the mid-term, nuclear power plants are considered by some experts to be the most efficient transitional solution for achieving global climate goals. Criticism is though levelled at the largely unresolved question of final storage and potential safety risks.

As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows, using data from the World Nuclear Association, no country is currently committing more to a nuclear future than China.

The Asian superpower currently has 24 new nuclear reactors planned or being built, with one new power plant to be connected to the grid this year.

The United Arab Emirates and Turkey are also planning to connect one new power plant each, and in South Korea there are two more in the pipeline for this year.

In second place is India, which plans to have eight new nuclear power plants built and connected to the grid by 2027, followed by the aforementioned Turkey with four and South Korea with three reactors.

What is noteworthy here is that with China, India and Russia, three of the five BRICS members are among the top eight.

From January 1, 2024, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates will join as new members. In three of these six future member countries - the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Argentina - new nuclear reactors are also currently under construction.

