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03/14/24 1:07 AM

#109638 RE: PutzMueler #109636

Have any current shareholders been slighted, or was it just exes? I don't appreciate exes intruding in current affairs! 🤣

I don't offer investment advice, so don't question whether you should take any from me. I'm doing my research daily and sharing it because I think this opportunity is fascinating and things are moving so quickly it's addicting. Anything I post is backed up with sources. If that troubles you, please put me on ignore. Do your own due diligence. Come up with your own investment strategy, establish your own risk/reward comfort levels, and please, feel free to challenge anything I post with facts and sources. I'm happy to engage with legitimate information, and happy to admit if I post something that's inaccurate and apologize. I hesitate to say it, but things that didn't happen in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 etc. aren't really relevant to what could happen tomorrow. I don't respond to insults and accusations. BTW, I was at the ASM and was looking to forward to meeting folks from the board, but no others were there. I'm not shy, I asked everyone. If there's a formal groundbreaking, I may be there.

Full disclosure, here's my investment strategy: The money is gone the moment I push the Buy button. It's a lottery ticket with slightly better odds. Oh, and the only payrolls I'm on are a pension and social security. If you know someone who can hook me up, I've got some free time.


03/14/24 1:44 AM

#109639 RE: PutzMueler #109636

I tend to agree with some of your comments. Gman, th and other new investors are very fortunate not to have lost a lot of equity or to suffer years of disappointment. Anyways, on a positive note, hard to ignore the share price reversal day by day week by week. Encouraging to hear Nio passed the first of 3 EXIM reviews. Onward and upward.