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03/13/24 5:58 PM

#4424 RE: RichieBoy #4423

Each of these procedures requires optimum Hygiene.

Endodontics and general dentistry involve different procedures focused on different aspects of dental care:

Endodontic procedures (root canal treatment):
1. Root canal therapy: This involves removing infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing them to prevent further infection.
2. Apicoectomy: In cases where a root canal treatment is unsuccessful or cannot be performed conventionally, an apicoectomy involves removing the tip of the tooth's root and sealing the end of the root canal.
3. Pulpotomy: Partial removal of the pulp tissue is performed in cases where the infection is limited to the crown of the tooth, typically in pediatric dentistry.

General dentistry procedures:
1. Dental exams and cleanings: Routine check-ups and professional cleanings to maintain oral health and detect any dental issues early.
2. Fillings: Repairing cavities by removing decayed tooth material and filling the space with materials like amalgam or composite resin.
3. Extractions: Removal of severely damaged, decayed, or impacted teeth.
4. Crowns and bridges: Restoring damaged or missing teeth with prosthetic devices that cover or replace the tooth.
5. Dental implants: Surgical placement of artificial tooth roots to support replacement teeth.
6. Dentures: Removable prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues.

While endodontics focuses specifically on treating issues related to the pulp and root of the tooth, general dentistry encompasses a broader range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental procedures.