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03/13/24 1:08 PM

#171754 RE: den4 #171753

Dr. Toskich isn't the PI on that Mayo human trial glioblastoma treatment with a competitive Y90 brachytherapy. Yet he reposted the Tweet from the Mayo PI. He is clearly promoting that product, not just "using what's available"

Sad that if RDGL had competent management, Radiogel would have already been on market many years ago before the original patents expired. Yet here we are after 8 years of MK's "leadership", and he has yet to submit a single item FDA needs to consider Radiogel for human trails. That's gross incompetence.

Today MK revealed there are even more items FDA is waiting upon that we didn't know about, and that he lied about FDA already determining Radiogel is safe and effective. The guy has no credibility.