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03/13/24 11:43 AM

#171746 RE: AtlasQ #171745

Yep, gross incompetence on display. Per today's Tweet MK says IsoPet is his top priority to "increase likelihood of IsoPet becoming a practical solution in the treatment of animal cancer". So he acknowledges now 5 years after launch that IsoPet remains impractical, but can't bring himself to acknowledge there is no remaining path for IsoPet to save RDGL. Fact is that window closed log ago. It's too expensive for the broad pet market and sold below cost. In short, it's hopeless. Yet it remains his top priority. That's both incompetence and insanity!

Then he writes in same Tweet about FDA needing Univ. of Missouri animal data to demonstrate safety and effectiveness. That's both a new one and confirms he lied about BDD status confirming FDA already accepted Radiogel as safe and effective. Per today's Tweet, FDA has made no such determination and awaits more data in that regard.

We already knew about the rabbit data from JHU that MK has so far failed to submit to FDA. Now he reveals FDA is also waiting on U. of Missouri data. wtf is going on at RDGL? Does this nut job even know?