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03/11/24 4:51 PM

#466137 RE: brooklyn13 #466129

Netanyahu is a maniac,thief and a piece of shit.


03/23/24 4:31 AM

#467610 RE: brooklyn13 #466129

brooklyn13, You say the article by Clarke and Kenney was extremely poorly written, you gotta be specific .. how is it so poor .. to look at a few bits...

Hamas Is Not ISIS — and the Comparison Itself Is Counterproductive

"A State vs a Caliphate" seems legit.

"ISIS members and supporters castigate Hamas for engaging in the electoral process"
"Hamas “accepts the sovereignty of man” and denies God’s “sovereignty and supremacy,” the ISIS sympathizer contends. “There is nothing called democracy and man-made legislation,” he adds, “because everything is legislated by Almighty God in the sharia.” In other words, ISIS supporters criticize Hamas for failing to implement sharia law according to the Islamic State’s interpretations.
,,, seems a legit difference.

"ISIS considers Iran to be an enemy more devious than even the United States and Israel because ISIS considers the Shia to be rafidha, or rejectionists .. , and prioritized targeting them for death above any other adversary. Promoting sectarianism forms the core of ISIS’ recruiting methods, so a Sunni group like Hamas receiving support from a Shia country like Iran is considered beyond the Islamic pale.
.. reads a significant difference.

"Indeed, one other reason why ISIS views Hamas with disdain is that Hamas has tolerated other religious groups .. .. in Gaza, something ISIS would never do."
.. what's your beef with that...

Then you say .. "As an aside I rarely encounter an article as poorly written as the one you posted by Clarke and Kenney. The citing of the 2006 election of Hamas as some sort of basic democratic process is silly and it alone destroys their credibility"

I haven't read that before anywhere. more this ..

An 84-delegate international observer delegation monitored the elections. It judged the elections to have been peaceful and well-administered.[33] Twenty-seven members of the European parliament were included. Edward McMillan-Scott, the British Conservative head of the European Parliament's monitoring team described the polls as "extremely professional, in line with international standards, free, transparent and without violence". His colleague, Italian Communist MEP Luisa Morgantini said there was "a very professional attitude, competence and respect for the rules."[34] All polling stations closed on time (7 p.m.) except for East Jerusalem, where voting was extended by the permitted two extra hours. Hamas protested this extension, claiming it only served Fatah; the Central Elections Committee stated that voting hours were "extended upon the approval of the Israeli authorities due to lengthy queues as a result of obstructions by post office workers."[35]

The militant Islamist group Islamic Jihad called on Palestinians to boycott the election.

R. Michael Alvarez argued that "despite all the progress, however, the voting process was plagued by a series of manipulations. Violations were committed by both major political parties, namely Fatah and Hamas. Although, the observers reported, Hamas had an advantage in mobilizing Palestinian facilities for its own political purposes."[36] Violating the code of conduct, Hamas was able to use its militias and networks for propaganda and intimidation purposes, as well as heavily utilizing mosques for that purpose.[37] A national monitoring committee set up by the Arab Thought Forum recorded reports of 242 violations in total throughout the election. The Canadian International Development Agency reported that international observers were concerned "about the threat that widespread possession of arms poses to the future of the democratic electoral process." The threat of violence affected the conduct of the election, culminating in a few violent confrontations and undermining the independence of the Central Election Commission. The election also coincided with the period of intensified conflict with Israel - Palestinian armed groups fired hundreds of Qassam rockets into Israel between late 2005 and mid-2006, while Israel attacked Palestinian territory with 8000 artillery shells. In summer of 2006, Hamas captured an Israeli soldier, further escalating the conflict.[37]

The two authors have much better credentials than either you or i could ever claim so i rate your condemnation of their article as sour grapes from about as jaundiced view anyone could muster.

Israel certainly did their best to screw the election up, but still the international observers saw it as a legit effort.


03/23/24 4:50 AM

#467611 RE: brooklyn13 #466129

brooklyn13, You need a link for your Human Rights Watch called Australia am apartheid state. I googled your assertion and got ..

A Threshold Crossed
Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution

What do you get when you search "did human rights watch call australia an apartheid state" .. ??