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03/10/24 5:42 AM

#77970 RE: learningthetruth #77951

learningthetruth, very important facts to understand...

I share your same sentiments as your posts have been spot on! Those hating and bashing SPZI are going to be looking so stupid as more and more is released. All they have to do is remove their hateful blinders and do some real DD. More and more substance is coming just by reading what has already been released. There are going to be some lessons learned from this one with those that are bashing and hating.

It's really stupid and sickening on what the bashers are doing and how they are trying to always make everything about little old me about every or enough of the stocks they see me post on. The ignorant and foolish stalking me from board to board makes them look really stupid. I can't believe how they act as if it's against the law for me to share my opinions about a stock, but it's fine for everyone else that they deem fit. Any stock I post on is going to do what it is going to do based on the merits of that stock as a company and not what I believe, say, or post. This post totally proves that SPZI was not frontloaded and yet they still post trying to claim such. The proof is in this post for all who are trying to be ignorant about the situation:

But wait, God forbid if for some reason I'm smart enough to use my Scanz stock platform that everyone on Earth has access to to pay for and get notifications and buy in before or at the same time the crowd decides to notice such. Or wait, God forbid that I might be experienced and smart enough to know how to do my own due diligence (DD) on a stock and buy in before the crowd learns about it. Wait, I'm supposed to be stupid and let everyone in the market buy in way before I buy, after I find or do my own DD on a stock that I like to buy? Wow! Who does that? Nobody! I think I give everyone a fair chance with my posts to get in at or near the bottom. If they don't, then that's not on me. Heck, many of the stocks that I have bought were not even at or near the bottom. If I felt like it has moved too high, then I don't buy it. That is a choice that we all have that is all on each individual for deciding. Sorry, the bashers can't deliver that responsibility on me for everyone with trying to place blame.

Let me tell you something else that I have been doing for years that is also no secret as this is also publicly existing. I also simply sometimes just use stock screeners like the one on OTC Markets. You pick and set your parameters and start searching away. After hours and hours of researching and sifting through thousands of stocks, you might come across some that had released solid news in the past that was still existing and had decent share structures and/or other fundamentals or news that attracted me for having potential. If I liked them, maybe I would share them in posts. Still, since it's me doing my own DD, it's my discretion for when and how I want to share whatever I learn or post from doing my DD. That should be common sense. But wait, I'm supposed to be too stupid to do this too? Isn't everyone supposed to be doing their own DD? I do my own DD, but if I choose to use someone else's DD, I know that it is still on me to verify and decide if I like the DD enough to make a decision to invest or not. That goes for everyone. If things don't work out, I don't go blame that person. I blame myself because I was the one who made the decision. This would just be another learning lesson that I would have experienced.

When I make a post, my "intent" is to help people to see why I like a certain stock and the positive reasons that go along with why I like a stock. I normally don't go into the bad that exists about a stock because people are looking for reasons why to invest; or at least I am. People are not looking for reasons why not to invest in a stock. Heck, although I do consider the bad about a stock, I don't pay too much attention about the bad that might exist about a stock because every single penny stock in the market have all kinds of reasons for why not to invest. That is why they are probably a penny stock in the first place. If anyone see things on the contrary, then such is their style and that is for them to choose about such or not. We all have our own styles and should be respected, like it or not. All should read this post below to understand my "intent" for when I post:

I think "most" of the bashers these days are a small group of people that have come together because they lost their money in the penny stock market and are taking it out on every stock that seems to be moving. Just look at how they flock to any penny stock that has interest and has had any kind of a move. You can feel it in their posts how it just burns them up to see something moving and has a chance to really be successful. They try to trick investors to think that something is wrong by attacking people's characters and not the stock. I think it's hateful and wrong and they should look in the mirror for where to place the blame for their bad investing decisions and their lives. Bottom line, if the penny stock market is not for you, then stay away from it and move on. Why sit around trying to make people feel as miserable as you? That's hateful to me. I personally couldn't do that. We all are supposed to do our own DD and then it is everyone's own discretion for when and how one chooses to release and share their DD. And then within these forums, everything is considered opinion per the rules of the message boards. If I disagree with someone's opinion, I still respect it and don't get mad and start attacking them personally because they don't think like me or see things like me. The bashing on these forums is unreal and a lot of it should not be allowed. I guess common sense really ain't that common after all.
