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03/08/24 11:30 PM

#641 RE: mining hound #640

Hi Mining Hound,
Hope all is well. I'm not familiar with those audits / opinions but did read them per your links. That general time period was when Hellix was still getting hammered by illegal naked shorting. Auditors aren't mining experts and those audits might have been ordered by Canadian governmental oversight. It's interesting that CFO Dillman resigned during that time period. Maybe someday we'll find out why. They raised more money because investors still thought it a good buy as the price went down ("corrected"). As the price remained on a sustained downward trend many bailed on Hellix. I was confident they couldn't be bankrupted and strongly suspected they were being attacked by naked shorting. Its never been officially stated but it was obvious to me they were getting attacked. Parent company Abingdon had and still has zero debt and positive cash flow from Canadian oil royalties. Best wishes. -Lamont