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03/08/24 7:24 PM

#4118 RE: Yosemite Sam #4117

I've been saying that all along . A buy out from one of big Pharma's elite would put us in dollars quickly !


03/08/24 7:29 PM

#4119 RE: Yosemite Sam #4117

28 day Quiet Period is mandatory first.

So I'd say Colgate would definitely have to wait...


03/09/24 6:21 PM

#4125 RE: Yosemite Sam #4117

Definitely NOT*. Quiet Period wasn't recognized.

I mean feel free to start a rumor if it helps you deal with the pregnant pause here. 28 days radio silence mandatory for any takeover by both companies involved. No PRs no filings, no public zoom meetings none of any media for 28 days. In fairness to all, a very considerable material event.