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03/06/24 2:57 PM

#171541 RE: den4 #171539

Please, all those news reports cited RDGL as source for BDD claim. I've seen no independent corroboration from any reputable source like FDA. MK is a confirmed serial liar about many things going back years. RDGL isn't a reputable source for anything as long as MK remains at helm. In any case, we now know BDD status has no impact on getting Radiogel to human trials.

Per his own updates, he has yet to submit anything FDA has suggested since 2021, including the rabbit results that have yet to go through third party review. He did lie several times in 2023 that rabbit testing had favorably concluded and results were being written up, but then later revealed, no testing remained ongoing. Now he claims same, that testing has concluded and results are being written up. There's been no confirmation to date he's submitted the write up for third party review yet, let alone that results have been submitted to FDA.

And why were years lost before MK commenced controlled animal testing? Because he wasted 2 years resisting FDA suggestion for controlled data. It's all there in the updates for anyone to read.

And why wasn't the genotoxicity issue put to bed years ago? Because MK waited over a year to respond to FDA comments from first meeting in 2021 and then wasted many months resisting that suggestion too when they were dissatisfied with some of his responses. Again, it's all there for anyone to read.