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03/04/24 3:43 PM

#464654 RE: livefree_ordie #464631

'In their mind' defense is not going to fly. Certainly not in the face of judicial rebukes of his cases and numerous instances of people in his own administration telling him that there was nothing there to support his beliefs.

So, immunity will fall apart in the face of the prosecution's 'what would a reasonable man do with the information that Trump was provided with?' Barr and Pence were at least two such men in this instance and 'bullshit' and 'I can't do that' were their responses.


03/04/24 5:19 PM

#464688 RE: livefree_ordie #464631

You have to be high if you think the Supreme Court is going to find in Trump's favor on immunity.

Carried to its logical conclusion, Biden could have Trump and six of the nine Justices shipped to Guantanamo on the damned spot.