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03/03/24 4:53 PM

#464374 RE: brooklyn13 #464368

50 percent believe in trump, more like 35 percent.


03/03/24 4:55 PM

#464375 RE: brooklyn13 #464368

So Isreal is just wonderful, after five months you think all of this is just wonderful. Even this past weekend, millions starving in Gaza, and it's just wonderful.


03/03/24 6:53 PM

#464417 RE: brooklyn13 #464368

brooklyn13, Fuck your - "It's really rather sad, if not pathetic, that you insist
on trying to conflate the WB murderous settlers with Israel as a whole.

No one here, including me, has ever made your conflation. Yet you keep repeating your asinine lie.

"Or maybe like you he’s in his dotage."

And fuck you again, for your simplistic ageism sarcasm.
Cheap simplistic sarcasm is something you so often don't resist sneaking in.

And screw you for your ignorant arrogance

"The fact is that unfavorable views of the settlements polls at about 50% of the Israeli population
as a whole. Take my word for it, I saw some guy say it in some video. Or look it up

I don't have to look it up, have known that is roughly the situation for decades.

As for your

"While 50% support the settlements, and that's way too many, in my opinion, put it into a real world context (for once). In America, about 50% of us believe in Trump. Would you go so far as to extrapolate on that basis that Americans, as a whole, are Christian Nationalists who want to restrict women's health options and want to deport immigrants and think everyone should have a machine gun?

I didn't think so, but you push the notion that Israelis want settlements and that's a fair representation of the country, because, well, Israel Bad! Really, for what it's worth, I'm not impressed.

Neither am i going to dissect every little stat in any article, not would i ever draw irrelevant extrapolations as you would have me do. Wouldn't even consider thinking as you think.

Jooi though, it looks the 50% pro and anti for the settlements is roughly close enough .. .

So much for that of yours. Also we know you aren't impressed with much of anything except yourself. At least that's the impression you so often exude.

I also know you are so blinkered you continually attribute beliefs about Israel to me, and to others here, that we have never said we have.

There is one certainty, that Trump's saying the settlements are not illegal can only result in there being more of them than might otherwise be.

That there is one absolute truth i've never seen you post about here.

Perhaps that's because you are in favor of his position.

And i think your roughly 50% of the American population for Trump is too high.

Guessing November will show Trump's vote is closer to 40% than Biden's is.


03/03/24 7:39 PM

#464436 RE: brooklyn13 #464368

In America, about 50% of us believe in Trump. Would you go so far as to extrapolate on that basis that Americans, as a whole, are Christian Nationalists who want to restrict women's health options and want to deport immigrants and think everyone should have a machine gun?

I didn't think so, but you push the notion that Israelis want settlements and that's a fair representation of the country, because, well, Israel Bad! Really, for what it's worth, I'm not impressed.

Why is it you post a question, then answer it yourself in the way you want it to read? Telling people the answer you want?

And you support orangedonshittypants too? That's nice.