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02/29/24 11:30 PM

#463989 RE: hap0206 #463987

Nah, 59 of your court cases said you had no right (standing) to sue

Yes, dear. "standing" is part of it. Read the damn law.


03/01/24 12:35 AM

#464005 RE: hap0206 #463987

That's a lie. You latch onto that "standing" argument as if it proves your case. It doesn't. Trump had zero evidence there was any fraud. Nada. Even the judge he himself appointed slapped him across the face for lying. Rudy shoe polish Giuliani debased himself and threw away his reputation and his career lying for that orange sack of shiat, and lost his law license in the process.

Sit the fuck down hap and stop blabbering nonsense. You carry water for a worthless, rotten, lying, corrupt potato sack of a human being, DJT. Just don't cry "standing" when the SC slaps him across the face too regarding his stupid immunity claim.

Appeals court rejects Trump challenge of Pennsylvania race

“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here,” 3rd Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, wrote for the three-judge panel, all appointed by Republican presidents.

Trump didn't lose those 60 court cases because of "standing". He lost them because of lies and zero evidence. He and his crew of corrupt clown car flunkies were laughed out of every court room. Because they lied.