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02/29/24 11:31 AM

#463909 RE: sortagreen #463907

What a load of disingenuous horseshit. Which you know, but post anyway because it fits neatly into your Israel Bad! narrative.

It's very unlikely that women, anywhere, who are raped and murdered, go to rape crisis centers. I guess those Israeli victims couldn't get rides or made the whole thing up.

But wait, what about rape survivors, they usually go right to the authorities, don't they? Or maybe not:

But based on that nonsense, you'll go along with the premise, anyway. Next thing, you'll be citing stuff written by Eliot Abrams or what some random guy said in a random video on the internet.

If you liked the Intercept article, here's another:

It's bizarre that you'll take Hamas stats at face value but believe nothing that Israel disseminates.

But since you'll believe anything you read, apparently that's not Israeli, I'll recommend this: