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02/25/24 9:29 PM

#53947 RE: WebSlinger #53945

<< Having ZN hit Oil or Gas or Both... is not really a big miracle to Him. >>

So God told you that he is going to let ZNOG find oil?
God did not tell me anything - God does "EXPECT" us to do things for Israel - They are His Chosen People - Genesis 12:3 - And this is one of the many things that I contribute to for Israel

If so, you might want to change the channel....
I like this Channel... been on it for years. Ok...Serious for just a minute - I looked up a bunch of my friends - Frat Brothers - Family - Whoever I could find
Made a list of those that regularly attend Church - donate their time to Good Organizations - They basically are believers and show their faith.
All the friends that I have that are "Believers" and practice their faith are just so much more successful. So many fewer problems in their lives.. Just saying

And yes....there are exceptions to the Rule, but I really don't know any of those. And God uses all kinds of People - Like Pharoah (Exodus 9:12)..

<< what I care about is MY Faith and not Yours..... >>

Whatever happened to the Great Commission? Or is it just all about you?
I have already shared my Faith with you - explained it to you on numerous occasions before on this Board.
My Job is to show you the Faith - God's job to water your faith. (And some seed was devoured by the Birds Mark 4:4 )
There .... did it again.

WebS.... I would love to debate with you all night but I have a busy day tomorrow.
You take care Bud. Be humble and don't stumble.
Good night .... Pray for ZION