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02/25/24 2:48 PM

#463385 RE: brooklyn13 #463383

I’m still waiting for the links that showed you Israel is the 3rd largest arms exporter. Don’t repost fake news and then act like you haven’t. Unless unverified smearing is your thing

You are irresponsibly attacking fuagf for a post I made. You need so badly to bad mouth people who aren't with your agenda and beliefs and you focus on fuagf specifically. You are given any opportunities to voice your beliefs and opinions, but they are just that and no one has to comply to your continued disparaging other peoples opinions. You write for yourself and no one else.

It was a link from another member and was inside the video. I have no idea about the source of the video and neither does the other member. I don't even know when it was produced or published as uboob isn't all that helpful most the time.

Actually, I butted into two other members conversation and you picked up the wrong portion and ran with it.


02/25/24 3:18 PM

#463389 RE: brooklyn13 #463383

brooklyn13, Will look at Mearsheimer to see if there is any truth to your

"From what I’ve recently read, and I don’t have time to post it now, Mearsheimer is a dishonest hack with a good job, who never admits he’s wrong about anything.
You would fault sources by MAGA stalwarts but can’t be bothered to check him out?
I’m still waiting for the links that showed you Israel is the 3rd largest arms exporter. Don’t repost fake news and then act like you haven’t. Unless unverified smearing is your thing

As far as your 3rd and 4th sentences there (wasn't mine and i didn't repost fake news
and then act like i haven't) i gave you a link in support of your link. Bottom here ..

So a serious fuck you on that of yours. Also, re your last snark there fuck you and that arrogant assholyness characteristic of yours.

See again:

brooklyn13, Not surprised you would echo the whataboutisms of the far-right Times of Israel.
UN condemned Israel more than all other countries combined in 2022 — monitor
Feb. 22, 2024 -

One i included a 2022 positive post of yours
5 Reasons Why the United States Can’t Drill Its Way to Energy Independence
Feb. 20, 2024 -

brooklyn13, Only one with some serious personal issues would consider equating Israel's treatment of Palestinians with Australia's treatment of their aboriginals. While the aboriginal people of many countries in the world have in the past suffered under invasion and occupation practices of white men like you, to equate what is happening in the Mideast with our Australian situation is just stupid.
Feb. 17, 2024 -

brooklyn23, Coming in response to your imbecilic Australian aboriginal West Bank/Gaza equivalence you are hooked on repeating, which implies you care for Australia's treatment of aborigines when actually you don't give a flying fuck, his suggestion you aren't bothered with the abysmal gun situation in the U.S.A. is more than fair. Particularly in light of the fact you have have not posted your concern with American gun laws here any more than you have posted gains made by Australian aborigines either.
P - And the latter sure as fuck are not being murdered in the tens of thousands at present either.
Feb. 17, 2024 -

brooklyn13, For you some context to that MLK quote:
[...]I hope this reminds you that stand alone quotes are not in themselves particularly satisfying.
Jan. 26, 2024 -

brooklyn13, No one is talking about dismantling Israel, so don't include it as one
of your strawman distractions. And, your "only point" as stated below is invalid.
"Seriously? Fuck off. Life is too short to deal with people who can’t see any validity in anyone else’s point of view.
You do the same thing with Conix, Hap, etc. they’re idiots and morons and stupid for having different opinions.
When opinion is at odds with established fact it is fair to see it as moronic.
" Where should the millions of Israeli Jews go when you dismantle the Zionist entity?
If it’s apartheid then so is America, Australia, Ethiopia, Iran, China et al. You doing a BDS
about China? Stopped buying the cheap shit at Walmart that comes from there?
My only point has ever been that it’s a double standard when it comes to Israel.
There is no double standard. Other countries have been targeted by human rights groups. Certainly China has been
criticized mightily for their treatment of the Uyghurs. Ethiopia and Iran have been targeted by Human Rights groups.
P - When the topic is Israel your mention of other countries is little more than a distraction. You have been shown clearly how Palestinian citizens of do not have equal rights under law as all Americans do, and as all Australians do .. . That is not to say blacks in America and indigenous Australian are not discriminated against. That's a totally different discussion.
P - Noted you ignore most all fact-filled posts as the one linked just above. You have no legit
claim to accuse others of ignoring facts. Back - again - to Israel and the apartheid label.
The argument that Israel practices apartheid, explained
Some human rights groups have reached this conclusion based on how the crime is defined in international law.
By Li Oct 20, 2023, 6:30am EDT
Some Israel scholars and former Israeli officials have also started using this designation. In 2022, Michael Ben-Yair, a former attorney general of Israel, said that “it is with great sadness ... I must also conclude that my country has sunk to such political and moral depths that it is now an apartheid regime.” Earlier this year, Tamir Pardo, a former head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, emphasized, too, that “there is an apartheid state here” featuring “two people [who] are judged under two legal systems.”
Dec. 27, 2023 -

brooklyn13, You really are a crybaby playing the poor done by victim of whatever you choose.
And you are so caught up with emotion when you decide to vent that you repeat yourself, and lie ..
"You steadfastly refuse to answer for the crimes against the indigenous people in your own fucking country while lecturing us on how evil other places are. As I mentioned once before, you're like the wife beater who somehow has come to think you're in a good position to give others marital advice."
You know we have been there and done that regarding my posting on Australian injustice to our
indigenous people. Maybe your emotion has you temporarily forgetting, but i don't accept that.
P - You asshole, i do my thing as you and others do. You appear to even be too thick to realize that in not criticizing Netanyahu and
his murderous fundamentalist mates you are definitely not being Israel's friend. You are a Zionist friend, but not a friend of Israel.
Dec. 6, 2023 -

There are so many more, but enough in response to your ridiculously "Unless unverified smearing is your thing" unjust and invalid personal projection of yours.

Your underwear has been showing for some time. There is much holey holy bs in it.