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02/25/24 11:32 AM

#463357 RE: livefree_ordie #463355

Plenty has changed as the most backward of states have passed laws to meddle in private matters between a doctor and a patient; IVF decision in AL is no surprise.

Add that religious decision to the attempts to restrict reproductive freedom and watch the continued dissolution of the theocratic GOP Taliban party. GOP has lost every vote on this issue at the state level. The majority disagrees with your mischaracterizations.

You value fetal life over the life of the adult that is endangered from pregnancies that go bad, conditions that may destroy the chances for another pregnancy. SCOTUS gave no more thought to consequences than do people like you.

You can believe what you want, but you have no right to impose your beliefs on others.


02/25/24 11:41 AM

#463359 RE: livefree_ordie #463355

If you're against abortion, don't get one.
Otherwise, you're probably mistaken in thinking that anyone's interested in your opinion about it.

A fetus isn't a person and Jews believe personhood begins when a baby takes its their first breath. I believe there's an ongoing class action lawsuit to that effect in Texas. And yet, you're probably fully in favor of the freedom of religion.

"Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth"

Keep your religion out of my secular existence, please.