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A Dinosaur

02/25/24 11:25 AM

#425 RE: Brokemillwright #424

Something off-topic, but you might enjoy.

I followed a honey dipper down the road near Lake Anna in VA a while back. I almost wrecked from laughing when I passed him and read his slogan on the side of the bed. "Nobody sticks his nose in my business."



02/26/24 2:59 PM

#428 RE: Brokemillwright #424

I certainly don't remember any of your comments relative to what I said to you last fall. That's not my style. You seem to have a pretty big chip on your shoulder so that probably explains a bit about your attitude. So what's your call going forward on FTCO? Congrats on your call this go around. I picked up a few more shares. I don't rule out technical trading. Watching the technical's sold and over sold . RSI etc are part of the decision process IMO but not the whole picture. Congrats on you call.