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02/25/24 1:13 PM

#463373 RE: brooklyn13 #463346

brooklyn13, Even after i thought to draw your attention to it, i wonder why did you not reply to the post, below again with emphasis change...

Att: brooklyn13, A boat you obviously missed 17 years ago. This post bring back
a 17 year-old post, with inconsequential tiny changes in emphasis. And an add:

"‘Our people are here to stay’: World Court hears arguments over Israeli occupation of Palestinian-claimed land
"US conducts five strikes in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen
"Middle East CrisisIsrael Strikes in Lebanon After Deadly Rocket Attack
"‘A new Nakba’: settler violence forces Palestinians out of West Bank villages"""

17 stuffed-up years ago! One with a Mearsheimer mention. Excerpt starts here:

That was and still is an excellent article .. :)

[Add here today Feb. 22, 2024, the post to which the except below replies to]
For American Jews, Dissent Against Israel Has Become Mainstream
By Tony Karon,
Posted on September 15, 2007, Printed on September 15, 2007

Israel: Self-hate or Glasnost?
Antony Loewenstein
Tuesday 18 September 2007

Banksy artwork on the West Bank barrier.

Something strange is happening in the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, though far away from the action itself.

Deliberations between the two sides continue with little to show for their efforts. The occupation in the West Bank continues to deepen. The November ‘peace conference’ is looking shakier by the day. Hamas is sidelined by much of the international community and the split between it and Fatah is worsening.


But what if we put geo-politics aside from a moment? As a long-time writer on and observer of the Israel/Palestine conflict, I want to argue that there is a fundamental shift occurring within the world’s Jewish Diaspora communities. In the words of’s senior editor, Tony Karon, a ‘Jewish glasnost’ is upon us.

Pointing to a recent study that showed that only 20 per cent of US Jews aged under 35 felt a strong attachment to Israel, and only 54 per cent were comfortable with the very idea of the Jewish State, Karon writes:

[These] startling figures alone underscore the absurdity of [the] suggestion that to challenge Israel is to ‘defame an entire people.’ They also help frame the context for what I would call an emerging Jewish glasnost in which Jewish critics of Israel are increasingly willing to make themselves known.


When I arrived in the United States 13 years ago [from South Africa], I was often surprised to find that people with whom I seemed to share a progressive, cosmopolitan worldview would suddenly morph into raging ultranationalists when the conversation turned to Israel. Back then, it would have seemed unthinkable for historian Tony Judt to advocate a binational State for Israelis and Palestinians or for Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen to write that ‘Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now.’ Unthinkable, too, was the angry renunciation of Zionism by Avrum Burg, former speaker of Israel's Knesset.

The evidence is growing that many Jews — even some within Israel — are recognising that the Jewish State has no long-term future without profound shifts in its behaviour. Perhaps more importantly, however, there are a steadily increasing number of Jews who will no longer be silenced by accusations of disloyalty to the utopian Zionist ideal — an ideal that historians can prove was little more than a well-executed plan of ethnic cleansing.

Haaretz columnist Danny Rubinstein has likened Israel’s behaviour in the occupied territories to that of South Africa during apartheid. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s book, The Israel Lobby, further erodes the financial, political and moral support offered by the US towards Israel, arguing that the Jewish State should be treated like any other country, not as a special case deserving unique dispensation. Its abominable behaviour in the occupied territories should be reason alone to tie US financial support to withdrawal of illegal settlements in the West Bank.

The launch of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) in Britain and Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) (of which I am a co-founder) show that the self-declared guardians of Jewish nationalism are lying when they claim to speak for all Jews.

Continued, with, to my slight embarrassment, too yes too too much emphasis -

Your leaving that highly relevant and telling information without disputing any of the alleged facts in it goes directly to your repeated opinion that Israel is unfairly treated by the world community. American Jews are part of that community and the article alleges the opinion of American Jews pretty well mirrors mine yet you didn't question it. Instead you create an issue out of a non-issue.

""Wonder how many missed the comment about Israel being the worlds 3rd leading exporter of weapons? "
What's that saying, you're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts? I must have missed the links you provided for that stat, but try this one.

Why didn't you just question the comment, which by the way was not my opinion and provide the link as you did. That was one improvement on your past performance so well done for that.

Why did i let it slide, just because i didn't see it as all that important and knew it could be checked by anyone easily, as you proved. Your link is the first i also got. One other .. .

The article repeats many points i and others here have made and which you have pounced upon. Only you would know why you didn't reply to it.