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02/19/24 11:22 PM

#462818 RE: arizona1 #462817

I believe they shortened the requirement to maybe one full term to get medical and pensions for life.
It was at least 2 terms, but that keeps changing. I don't know how they could change it, like you said neither party will touch it. but they'll kill SS and medicare to pay for their compensation packages.

It's not really either party on that, it's partisan because neither want to raise the tenure requirements and from what I read it isn't medicare or any of the packages citizens get. It's special. But I didn't get that from a lot of sources so I'm not confident in the comment. But I know that both parties have voted themselves raises every chance they get and it's never gone down.

I believe the gop voted themselves 8 to 10 grand a year raise while stopping the student loan aid bill.
And many said the money wasn't there for it. Didn't have the money for the bill.
Whether the raise stuck, I do not know.