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02/19/24 8:33 AM

#128363 RE: gt1217 #128361

“I have held for a very long time but I’m to the point where I’m planning my out”

Our PAID BASHERS BOSS will take your shares!!
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02/19/24 9:18 AM

#128366 RE: gt1217 #128361

She knows her Q1 bullshit can’t be proved wrong until mid-May, so she just keeps throwing it out there.

You and I know that when the Q4 numbers come out, around March 30, it will be doomsday for this whole Bull Shit Repeated con job, as she backed herself into a corner by stating 72 POSVOS were sold on Amazon in Q4, for over $20K in sales.

She also says sales were strong on NewEgg, so what happens when the numbers fall short of the 72? Will she say they are all from Amazon and none from NewEgg, which screws the NewEgg has been selling many theory, or will she say NewEgg, Walmart, and the Tri website are responsible for some of the sales, which screws her Amazon BSR scam?

No matter what happens, if POSVOS unit sales are under 50, which is 99.9999999999% going to happen, then what spin can be put on it?

Only a moron would believe that unit sales of POSVOS in the past 30 days have exceeded total unit sales in the prior 8 months, and that a negative review and Presidents Day weekend sparked a buying frenzy, bigger then the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year periods combined. Only a moron could believe that.

This is why we see Echo eating it up with a baby spoon in each hand.

Ask CanIt why, in January, she was still posting her chart showing 31 POSVOS were sold in Q3 2023, when we have had proof since mid-November, that only 17 or less were sold in that quarter?

Connecting the dots is easy. Accepting the FACTS is the hard part for some.
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02/19/24 12:28 PM

#128374 RE: gt1217 #128361

You have to look at reality on here. Ignore the moron who gets more and more upset as the BSR drops. Also ignore the ones who get excited about 40 sold in 45 days. That's still less than 1 a day which is not very much. The question is will sales increase to over 100 per month which is a turning point? Will sales increase to 500 a month? 1000 per month? This is what I'm looking for and why I post the BSR numbers and estimated sales numbers to begin with. 25 per month is hopefully just the beginning of what is to happen!

If you're really concerned about the 500+ being sold per month at BSR = 82 then consider it is an average it doesn't mean 82 will equal 500+. What you can do is look at the other products in that BSR category on Amazon and click on them to see if Amazon shows how many are sold for each product vs BSR. Just remember the BSR is more of a daily to 2 or 3 day rate. So that's what makes it more complicated. Plus the BSR position won't change as fast as it drops below 150. Share some of your observations and results.
