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02/08/24 1:38 PM

#35374 RE: Penny2Dime #35371



02/08/24 1:38 PM

#35375 RE: Penny2Dime #35371



02/08/24 1:40 PM

#35376 RE: Penny2Dime #35371

Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals is merging with SeniorGo. ( is one of the services in SeniorGo ( It is a social platform where 1 billion seniors around the world can communicate in one place. Our products now support sending and receiving a variety of media: text, photos, videos, documents, location, as well as voice calls, sharing the contents of senior culture such as medical, insurance, pharmacy, finance, investment, shopping, dating, radio, TV, and Movie. It provides a new senior-culture experience in the media. Members earn points just by posting texts or photos, inviting friends, or chatting between members, and these points can be used in shopping malls and to open various events and forums with members. Good donations or fundraising to help people or groups in need are made possible with points. Members who join the social platform will be able to do all social activities, shopping, and payment in one place without leaving the platform. From the time of membership registration, automated reliability is accumulated by social big data and artificial intelligence technology, resulting in trustworthy transactions between sellers and buyers. In addition, the points accumulated through various social activities such as introducing friends, postings, and comments can be converted into points in the digital wallet.


02/08/24 1:53 PM

#35383 RE: Penny2Dime #35371

WOW INTO i heavy stuff

A Platform for Remote Senior Care.
Monitor all your patients at a glance
With NOUV platform, you can monitor all of your patients at a glance. You can of course also monitor details of each patient by just clicking on them. In the case of an emergency, NOUV will detect it before you do.


02/08/24 2:02 PM

#35386 RE: Penny2Dime #35371

$NOUV <> need $0.0004's to be new high 52wks discovery 52WK RANGE 0.0001 - 0.0003