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02/02/24 2:04 AM

#170462 RE: kayak_wench #170459

Sounds like you should sell your shares and move on.

Btw - find one other company that has been this transparent with their IDE journey.


02/02/24 2:08 AM

#170463 RE: kayak_wench #170459

Appreciate the feedback and yes, I haven't been paying as close attention to the Tweet updates as I should. Agree with everything in you post 100%

Based on an update on 10 Oct (see below), if the next phase of genotoxicity testing will take about same time as the 1st phase, it should be all done in 2-3 months.

"Genotoxicity – Based on the FDA recommendation; on September 29th we participated in the Pre-Sub meeting to discuss the Genotoxicty Chemical Characterization Protocol (GCCP). We now feel sufficiently confident to initiate the genotox testing next month (October–November 2023)."


02/02/24 7:48 AM

#170468 RE: kayak_wench #170459

Confused by comment. Big difference between RDGL posts and RDGL response comments that fewer see without digging. You 1st comingled the two as "posts". Then you say "you have to read the replies", acknowledging the comments aren't posts, and many don't bother with them.

Moreover, this is all from the new Twitter flunky who appears worse than the former deceased Twitter flunky (may he RIP), who spouted much disinformation. So fact is we really don't know what's going on, as RDGL remains an overall disreputable source for information.

Then there's the chief source of disinformation himself, serial liar MK. In 4th quarter blog update posted yesterday, MK now claims the rabbit testing is complete and being written up, something they didn't post on Twitter. But he wrote that many times before in mid 2023, and then revealed those were all lies in the 3rd Q update. But this time we're suppose to believe him? Yeah, right