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Wise Man

02/01/24 12:51 AM

#784684 RE: The Man With No Name #784603

Rodney/Barron +20, is the plaintiff J.Angel writing flawed analyses.
I already warned the board that his objective is to tarnish the image of other posters that might be posting valid analyses and also, to make our heads spin.
Which is what you are attempting too, in your reply to him, so that only the frivolous lawsuits that have been filed so far, are valid.

repetition of groundless legal theories.
If you think their arguments have merit, you should file suit.

Flaws repeated a thousand times: "The SPS are products", etc.
Other themes have been concealed in his frivolous lawsuits with the judges Sweeney and Lamberth, like the Restriction on Capital Distributions, but now he promotes it, knowing that it's the provision that I write about as well, aiming to distort it with "HERA" instead of FHEFSSA; the reduction of SPS "a refinancing option", omitting that it's a Separate Account plan that repaid the SPS long time ago, etc.