Sharply declining SP
Every attempt this nincompoop makes to fix a prior mistake
precipitates and even bigger calamity. An overwhelming
preponderance of investors cautioned him against a move
that normally wipes out shareholders, however, since he prides
himself on his hu-u-g-e Wall St experience (in the back office) over accepted
wisdom, he ignored everyone and went ahead to obliterate shareholder value.
Getting into bed with Lind Partners has become a Stalingrad for
OTC companies. (But Jeremy knows better than the best minds on
Wall Street, so this is what we get). Pride goeth before the fall.
Remember Mr Bumbler, an ordinary man learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns
from the mistakes of others. You have learned neither.
[The next time I need to add some true stupidity to my life, I'll look this guy up.] I think his phone number is still 911, right?