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01/28/24 1:33 PM

#784303 RE: NeoSunTzu #784268

Thanks Neo. I know this. It was wiseman who said why on earth would treasury use the temporary authority in the charter act to purchase 225 billion MBS on the secondary market. I asked him to tell me what law he thinks they used. Treasury violated the law period. They were required to purchase those MBS from FnF not from China and Russia. So the whole SPSPA was I believe a cover for this criminal act. All of that $225 billion should have gone directly to FNF, not foreign nations. I believe that used to be called Treason and now you know why we aren’t allowed to see the documents.
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Wise Man

01/29/24 12:34 AM

#784349 RE: NeoSunTzu #784268

Treasury was wrong in its assertion that HERA, in an amendment of the Charter Act, granted it authority to purchase MBSs from Wall Street on the secondary market, in order to allow them to lock in the huge rally in price when the interest rates plummeted.
More trickery and evidence of attempt to twist the Charter Act, concealing the reality of a UST backup of FnF to finance their operations (MBSs in the TBA market or SPS), replica of the one since the Charter's inception at rates similar to Treasuries, that is the one we use in a final resolution (0.5% spread over Treasuries. A weighted-average 1.8% cumulative dividend on the SPS).
Explained in these two tweets: