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01/26/24 1:41 PM

#2787 RE: kochophant #2774

Simple difference, evidence to support 91 charges and the DOJ has a 91% conviction rate. So don't rule out a plea deal that keeps Trump out of jail but also saddles him with a guilty plea.

All that we have RE J. Biden are assertions and of course the tax returns that he and Jill faithfully file AND disclose, unlike Orange Hitler

So harbor your doubts as you wish and accept assertions as evidence; they are inadmissible. Also, you have the disadvantage of the GOP House's flaming ineptitude.

Slam dunks? Docs case that has Trump's people moving shit around after a subpoena was issued.
And of course the notorious imperfect phone call where jurors will HEAR, again, 'I just need.....',were%20found%20guilty%20(1.9%25).

Democrats are blowing up House GOP efforts to take down Biden
Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 4:57:57p EST
Mark Sumner

By now, anyone tuning into a House Oversight Committee or House Judiciary Committee hearing knows what to expect. With frequent slams of the gavel by their respective chairs, Republicans plod through repetitive attacks on President Joe Biden or waggle their fingers about some salacious claim including the phrase “Hunter Biden’s laptop.” Democrats try to object and occasionally insert a fact. But the next Republican is at the mic five minutes later, once again hammering the same lies.

At least that’s how it used to be. But anyone who has tuned in recently may have noticed a big change.

Democrats aren’t just tearing Republican arguments apart: They’re derailing hearings and getting their opponents genuinely flustered. The recent hearing in which Republicans intended to charge Hunter Biden with contempt for declining to testify behind closed doors is a good example. Not only did Hunter make a brief personal appearance and offer to testify right then and there in public, but Democrats were able to consistently throw Republicans off their game, blow away false evidence, expose their hypocrisy, and even hammer Donald Trump.

If all that seemed like it took a lot of behind-the-scenes planning, it did. But it won’t be the last time. Because as The Daily Beast reports, Democrats have a plan to make these hearings just as silly as the claims Republicans are making about Biden.



01/26/24 2:57 PM

#2812 RE: kochophant #2774

Congratulations on awakening from your 5 year coma just to post exclusively on this board today in support of a criminal dictator.
Was it electroshock therapy or did you just hijack someones account?

Sorry but your suggestions are bullshit conspiracy nutjob nonsense because President Biden never did anything that you claim nor hire his whole inexperienced loser family or sit in the oval office stuffing grease into his mouth watching terrorists. try to kill vice presidents or congress people for almost three hours.

You can go back to sleep now.