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01/26/24 12:28 AM

#2719 RE: Diogenes of Sinope #2694

No doubt this blew up that over size Orange ego. The damage will require long deep intense therapy trying to reassure that there are still people he can con into believing he had a larger crowd size at his
inauguration than Obama.

“This was actually a fairly good night for Joe Biden,” she said. “When you look at our voter analysis, only 10 per cent said, ‘I would not vote for Joe Biden if he’s the nominee.’”

“He won a plurality of voters who said he was too old. He won a majority of voters who are upset about the Gaza war. So the divides in the Democrat Party, and this is a small sample size, but perhaps aren’t as stark as one would think.

She then went on to describe how Mr Trump had not achieved that same unifiying performance in his own battle against Nikki Haley, who lost the state handily while performing better than some polling suggested she would in the last few days of the race.

“[W]hen you look at the Republican Party, seven in ten Nikki Haley voters said, ‘I would not vote for Trump,’” said Ms McEnany.