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01/24/24 5:47 PM

#271261 RE: WebSlinger #271258

I refuse to believe you are that ignorant. For example...I am building a RV park. I am bleeding money....with no revenue of any kind to show for it. I will continue to bleed until I have my 1st customer. Most businesses are the same way. KB is exponentially like that. But you said they have proven the science!! They have produced silk in the unfriendly atmosphere. They believe that can do it on a greater scale and commercially. So...your argument is baseless and lacks knowledge and understanding on every level. I appreciate how you at least acknowledge some accomplishments though. I continue to hope and believe in their success!!


01/24/24 6:24 PM

#271263 RE: WebSlinger #271258

"So in 15 years, they have finally been able to (supposedly) make a small amount of silkworm-ish silk."

pretty sure they could have made many tons of silkworm silk...if that was what they were after...

"and spent almost $50 MILLION dollars to create whatever that is supposed to be"


"and I wouldn't put it past the Douchebag CEO to be lying about the photo"

heres where most everyone, even people who are unfamiliar with kblb who are looking into it, will just shake their heads and realize what a clueless and useless basher you are accusing kim of fraud and of taking a picture of himself committing that fraud...LMAO!...and kim is a LAWYER!!....what an utterly stupid accusation...and no matter how you worded it, it IS an accusation...

you are saying that a person who is a LAWYER would take a picture of himself committing a crime and then would publicize that photo and send copies to the authorities?.....LMAO!!

"There has never been a question if someone could make a small amount of silkworm-ish silk."

seeing as how millions of tons of silkworm silk has been made over the years, im guessing that yea, a small amount could be made...??

"How much revenue did they make from that?"

revenue from what? dont believe they even made any DS at why are you asking about how much money was made from something you dont believe was even produced??...

"In addition, the most recent PR (from 2 days ago) states "production quantities will be relatively limited". "

maybe thats because they are only now ramping up?...quantities will increase as they continue to RAMP UP....HELLO!

" So the Douchebag CEO is already saying that there won't be much silk produced this year."

nope...he said no such fact, there will be tonnage this year...the only thing that will be in short supply will be idiot bashers...

your time here is running very short...