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01/24/24 4:25 PM

#271251 RE: WebSlinger #271249

“<< If you need confirmation beyond the May 2023 communication, feel free to reach out to IR. >>

And that is how you know that a person is a rah rah pumper. They will tell you to call IR, when pretty much everybody knows that EVERYTHING that IR has ever said was complete BS.”

What has IR told you before that was complete BS? Feel free to list all of what they’ve told you directly when you’ve reached out. Let me guess, you never have because they’ll just lie? That’s sure convenient. ;-)

And, nope. I provided a link documenting the relationship as of May 2023. Have confirmed separately with IR. If that isn’t enough verification, call IR, have them tell you the same and then you can yell “BULLSHIT” because you want to believe differently.

Times they are a changing. Those lost in the past might just get stuck there while the world keeps spinning and the company moves FORWARD.


01/24/24 4:39 PM

#271252 RE: WebSlinger #271249

That is a outright lie webby. Same old BS???? Really? Name one time KB has manufactured this much silk. Built an infrastructure to commercialize silk. If you have 0 confidence in any of the Prs that are put out then I agree. You are vehemently being dishonest to spread that. If you don't believe the PRs then why the hell would you stick around? There is NO justification. You are slamming a company that is on the strongest upward trajectory I have ever seen. If you are betting against KB at this point it is definitely the WORST time to bet against them but...go for it.

Go KB!! Todamoon