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01/24/24 9:18 AM

#10584 RE: J2003 #10582

The bid & ask is moving up to open


01/24/24 9:20 AM

#10586 RE: J2003 #10582

He has lots of options
That would make his life a lot easier and his pockets fat.
Only thing is blackstar probably would not exist something he would have to consider since these big firms have their own idea on how this patent is implemented.


01/24/24 9:27 AM

#10590 RE: J2003 #10582

I can see Morgan or one of the other big financials buyout or partner with Blackstar. They would be able to add the blockchain application to their services and take away some biz from the big brokerage houses. Not sure I see Blackstar as a stand alone blockchain service for investors. Not sure how he would make much revenue from individual investors. Having a larger operation add it under subscription or license makes more sense to me. They can cross sell their other products to investors coming to trade on the blockchain.


01/24/24 10:54 AM

#10596 RE: J2003 #10582

Just stop. Morgan Stanley or any other big investment bank has no interest in this. Think about it. Some of the smartest people in finance work at these investment banks and hedge funds. You're talking MIT, Stanford, Wharton, Tuck, etc. If they thought this type of technology was a game changer, they would have created it already.