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01/24/24 1:16 AM

#96566 RE: legaltips #96563

great DD / catalysts 🔥🔥🔥


01/24/24 8:37 AM

#96580 RE: legaltips #96563

I suggest going back to December 1 when the company was promising contracts for sugar and chicken paws we’re in the final stages and expected to close within a week or two and yet we’re almost 2 full months later and not so much as a word mentioned about it… they can’t even spell Houston correctly in an “official” PR to announce new jet fuel deal… it’s comical


01/24/24 10:46 AM

#96593 RE: legaltips #96563

Any,, know if'fuel''p.o-.on..X''preceeded..the''.8k..