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01/23/24 11:13 AM

#271188 RE: WebSlinger #271186

Yet another false argument to try and promote another false narrative. My god you are getting desperate.

You have bashed this stock since first joining this board. Your mission is clear, plain and simple.

But you’ve spent 7+ years bashing incessantly because it’s just fun to do, right?



01/23/24 11:14 AM

#271189 RE: WebSlinger #271186

To ask for examples of court cases involving "short and distort" really shows your arrogance or lack of intellect.


01/23/24 11:17 AM

#271190 RE: WebSlinger #271186

And you had a hand in exposing him, huh? Which makes you think you're some sort of super-sleuth when it comes to sniffing out OTC scams. Bravo! Except, your God Complex has got the better of you. It's apparent to anyone who hasn't jumped on your jock. It will be fully revealed upon KBLB's successful Commercialization. And you'll just shrug and walk away. Oh well, right? Could save some face on this one and just walk away now. Nah, because you're getting paid to bash. Simple. Why else waste your time? And just because you haven't been convicted yet doesn't mean it won't or can't happen. Quite a few of us are betting on the inevitable conviction. At the least, losing the defamation suit. But, your big-pocket handlers are prepared for that. That's why you're so brazen. No concern for any of us stockholders. Just self. And those you work for. Now that's a SCUMBAG!