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01/22/24 7:53 PM

#783362 RE: FFFacts #783361

Interesting,I noticed same things with him. I referred it as taking things out of context, in his response and initial diatribes in crafting a reality out of fantasy. Somehow he thinks it makes him smarter. It’s also how I knew he was Carney. Only reporters can do those things so vey well.


01/25/24 12:25 AM

#783936 RE: FFFacts #783361

Capital classifications had nothing to do with it.

Wrong. Re-read the thread yourself.

Rodney: "What’s false about RESTRICTION ON CAPITAL DISTRIBUTIONS.— page 2731 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A regulated entity shall make no capital distribution if, after making the distribution, the regulated entity would be undercapitalized.?"
Me: "FHFA has decided that it doesn't have to assign any capital classification under 12 USC 4614 while FnF are in conservatorship.”
Rodney: "Wrong FHFA and its Director are executive branch entities. They can not make changes to federal laws. Only Congress can change the law. "
Me: "FHFA did not change the law. They issued a regulation."

The regulation in question is FHFA's suspension of capital classifications during conservatorship.

How did I change the subject?

Again, re-read the thread. I even provided links. Rodney and I were discussion that regulation until you jumped in and changed the subject to stuff about "out of funds legally available" and more armchair QB stuff about how dumb the plaintiffs are.

Speaking of changing the subject, you never have provided an answer as to why you don't file your own lawsuit if you know so much better than the plaintiffs' dumb lawyers.

We were discussing dividend disbursements to treasury.

And I already answered your question in this post. The Supreme Court ruled that the NWS was legal because of its authority to act in its own interests.

If you're not convinced by my answer, by all means take it to a judge. They will give you an authoritative, and more importantly, binding answer. But that would require you to file your own lawsuit so I won't hold my breath.