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01/20/24 3:24 PM

#458874 RE: livefree_ordie #458867

This case isn't even slated to go until mid 2025 anyway so a delay makes no difference in the scope of things. If they were so hot to get at Bencheeto Mussolini don't you think they would have forced the issue from the beginning?

The court's concern is the case at hand not that 2 lawyers on the same team might or might not be romantically involved. It has no bearing on the trial but the judge has to hear every petition from the defense, wether it's bullshit or not, or it could be successfully challenged on appeal. This isn't even a stall tactic, it's just another opportunity to politicize the trial so people like you can foam at the mouth and do your "own the libs" dance around your living room.

And as for your 'witch hunt' narrative, the guy is on tape telling the GA SOS to go find him 11,700 votes and had his cronies running up and down the state trying to illegally meddle even further. Those same cronies are all starting to plead guilty already and if the prosecution deems it necessary, will testify at trial. But yeah, let's impeach Fani Willis, that'll show 'em. PFFFFFT.😴


01/20/24 10:07 PM

#458933 RE: livefree_ordie #458867

I think it's going to come out that this guy gets the going rate for lawyers in the Atlanta metro area, and it has nothing to do with the conspirators' guilt or innocence.

I know you incels are always a little uptight about someone somewhere having sex... But never mind the prosecutor. Have you had a look at the defendant? The guy grabbing women by the pussy, banging porn stars, marrying a call girl? The guy accusing Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Obama, the DOJ, the FBI, the Pentagon, Government workers, Unions, Governor Newsom, the Pope, Windmills, The Statue of Liberty, Jesus, and anyone else who said he broke the law.?

Piss off, incel.