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01/20/24 9:53 AM

#458819 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

Undoes not a lick of the evidence she uncovered, though 'I just need.....votes' is a layup, nor the testimony from GOP WITNESSES who've flipped on the Orange Stop the Steal, insurrection inciting, treason weasel. If she is removed the case continues.

Or did you think that there is only one prosecutor in her office? Oh wait, 'did you think?', my bad.


01/20/24 10:34 AM

#458825 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

Thank you for looking the other way to the actual crimes trump commits, but you just love to look at anyone who tries to bring him to just. I forgot in your world trump is never accountable for his actions, or anything he says, in your world it is always someone else's fault. Kind if like what you do here with your posts, blame liberals for thinking that responsibility starts with yourself.


01/20/24 10:38 AM

#458826 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

What did Fani Willis do? Does anyone have any proof? Why don't we wait until the hearing before we pass judgement there sport.

You all seem to forget the little fact that the RICO case was approved and brought to trial by 2 Grand Juries and others have already plead guilty on advice from their counsel so I really don't think it matters much wether the lead prosecutor is dating her attorney not. It might have an effect on her job status going forward, but it definitely has no bearing on the case that's been brought and won't change a damn thing. On top of that there is no proof of any sordid affair, only accusations.

You can run around with your ignorant little fantasies for as long as you like but don't be upset when you find out that the rule of law has a way of working itself out regardless of what you think.


01/20/24 10:43 AM

#458827 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

We all forgot how you easily embrace trump, that represents your kind of Normal. The rest of America, you know that majority that keeps voting against Republicans, trump, and yes, someone like you who doesn't represent our kind of America. This American likes to work ,take care of his family and let ourselves decide our own decisions in life. You always think your right and just have to come here and tell us what your conservatives get to dictate to the rest of America, you know the majority.


01/20/24 10:51 AM

#458828 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

Just think an elitist is somewho thinks trump is not above the laws of America. New rules for the office of President of the United States, trump states, he is allowed to commit any crime he wants, and he is above the law.


01/20/24 11:05 AM

#458833 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

What's the accusation?

Some asshole said a woman had an affair with a man?


01/20/24 11:09 AM

#458834 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

Thank you for the morning chuckles, most Americans would see your post and wonder why you think the way you do. It is so convoluted, like trump, talk out of both sides of your mouth, close your ears, we know your brain shut down years ago. Follow trump, in your world, Follow trump, sit down, and worship your savoir. The rest of America has a political leader we vote for, and then we search for another. Not you, you can only see your trump.


01/20/24 3:08 PM

#458871 RE: livefree_ordie #458815

livefree_ordie, Too funny how you ignore ethical violations and even law breaking of Trump
and his people yet chortle with glee at alleged ethical improprieties by Democrats.

A seemingly ethically stretching romantic relationship pales in relation to unethically stacking SCOTUS.